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chasing Transformation™LLC

The Back Story

In May 2016, I wasn’t in a healthy place physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and needed a change. I didn’t realize this at the time, but the journey I was about to begin would change my life. After a night out with friends (accompanied with an over indulgence in T.G.I Friday’s ½ prices apps & “strong” island’s), I went home & and was winding down for bed. Somewhere in the midst of scrolling and posting on social media, I had recruited 3 of my followers to join me in a “55 Day Challenge” (today’s #55FLAT™ Abs Program) to get a flat stomach the right way. I made it up as we went along; with various exercise routines, nutritional guidelines, and lifestyle changes, I guided what I now realize was my study group through the entire program. By the end, I had completely altered my body composition and fitness level. The others also noticed significant changes; one participant had lost over 14lb of fat, the other lost 11lbs and both had transformed their lifestyles. It was then I knew I had something…”


"Over the years, #55FLAT™ ignited the cultivation of a myriad of other programs, challenges and services that have facilitated lifestyle transformations across the country."

 In 2017, Chasing Transformation™, LLC was officiated and in May of 2018, we had our official launch party, celebrating our success with supporters, friends, family, and loved one’s from all over with a private party on a rooftop in DC. As of July 2020, we are now a limited liability company!


Since then, Chasing Transformation™, LLC has had the privilege to present at various conferences, host various health and wellness events, serve as a panelist and guest speaker at networking events, featured as a guest on WBAL Baltimore, collaborate with a clothing line to a create a  high quality line of  fitness apparel, and continues to transform hundreds of women into their best selves an inspire thousands everyday.


Chasing Transformation™, LLC   is a company driven to target a lifestyle transformation by combining all components physical fitness, expert nutritional guidance, core strength development, consistency, accountability, self love, and more.  The program’s structure is designed to provide you with a platform that will enable you to transition into an overall better way of living and continue to independently make better choices for life. This program meets you where you are, whether you are new to exercise, have been on a hiatus, or just tired of the vicious cycle of quitting, falling off, or giving up and starting over. You won’t regret you did this for you!


Our Annual

Chase your transformation with our studio or virtual classes. Join us today and start your journey towards a healthier and happier you


Chase Challenges. Challenges Change. Change Transforms.

©2024 by Chasing Transformation, LLC
Chizel It Transformation Center

Website Design by Charnice Hale | C.P. Hale Innovations Estate LLC

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